Leveling up and all around good things to know

Leveling up and all around good things to know

Hey guys! As you might know, last part we finished all of the starting quests, and now I’m kind of at a loss of what to do. Yes, I do have ideas, but I’m not quite sure how to add them. For now though, I’m going to tell you about leveling up, what happens when you do, and what you can do once you have!


I’m pretty sure I’ve written this before, but two times is better than none, right? I guess that doesn’t make sense though…

You can level up by doing quests. When you quest you get something called Experience Points, or XP as it is widely known. You can also level up your horse so that it can be faster. The higher the level you are the faster your horse is even when its level one!


Your horse gets faster by leveling it up. You can level it up by doing daily races. Those are the races that are blue on your map. If a person such as Josh, Tan, or Loretta had a blue exclamation mark over their head that means that they have a daily race for you to do.

There’s a slight twist when it comes to people such as James though. James is the manager of the stable in Fort Pinta as well as one of the daily race carriers (there is Polly from Pony Point as well) and that means that he can ask you if you want to stay the night at the stable so that you can do the quests that have the clocks sooner than the next day. I wrote a bit about it in part 5 of “What is Star Stable Online?”, you can check it out there → https://starstablehelpblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/what-is-star-stable-online-part-5-finding-the-real-long-lost-part-5/ wow. That’s a long URL.

You can also buy good gear and clothes. I’m not good at estimating how good gear is, but if the stats are high (e.g. riding 8, jumping 5, command 8, etc. I think those are good at least, don’t quote me on that) then you’ll do just fine.

Okay, so I just took a little break, and I have nothing to write right now. Although I am writing a little story…

Will it be up soon? Who knows? How long will it be? Will I add it all in one fell swoop? In parts? Who knows? It’s a spooky ghost!

No…? I tried. I guess it’s not Halloween anymore. Speaking of Halloween, happy late – Halloween!

Now I’m going to start on that story…

I’ll write other things as soon as I can, and as much of it as I can!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 10 SPOOKY NEWS AND FINISHING THE RACE!

What is Star Stable Online? Part 10 SPOOKY NEWS AND FINISHING THE RACE!

Hey guys! I hope that today you’re doing great! Today is update day on Star Stable, and if you want to see the update on the Star Stable website you can check it out with the link right there → https://www.starstable.com/en/news, but if you don’t want to, I’ll summarize the update for you. (Well, it didn’t really end up as a sum, but more like a lazy update. Oops.)


Last week there was a creepy “Girl in the Forest” quest where you talk to a spooky little girl and do quests with her. I haven’t seen quests done with her, so I don’t know just how spooky it is. Today its still going, and if you want to do a spooky quest, this one’s for you! (Note: in order to do this quest you have to be at least level 13 ½ or level 14 and over. This is because the “Girl in the Forest” is in Golden Hills Valley and in order to unlock that area you have to be at least one of those levels. Also, this quest has been noted to be very scary and not recommended for small children in the news update.)


There is now a ghost train that is in the Silverglade castle. If you have unlocked the castle (by doing quests with Alex and Linda, two of the Soul Riders) you can go up the stairs and go to the left, there is a door for you to open…


The horse market has been set up in Silverglade just behind and to the right of Steve’s farm.


The Councilman has lost his cat. Talk to him and help him find it. If you dare…


Just as every week, there’s new things in stock at the Jorvik City Plaza/Mall!

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the quests! When we left off, we had just finished some quests with James and had to wait a day. Let’s go talk to Conrad instead of James though, Conrad’s nicer, and not as…stingy. Ride over to Conrad Maarsden (this whole time I’ve been writing “Marsdeen” oops) and talk to him!

“These horseshoes will be better than I could ever imagine! If I only had some Shiny Ghost Ore I could make them even better… Like they were made back in the old times, when ancient, crafted items were full of magic and secret powers.

Take this mining pick and ride to Jarl’s Tomb, close to Doyles Abbey. Use it on the ancient rocks to mine Shiny Ghost Ore. I only need two lumps of this rare metal.”

Okay…no “hey, what’s up, (insert character name)? Wanna help me with making you new horseshoes?” No? Okay. Well, I think it’s rather odd that back in the day things were more magical, technologically better, and more, because in the real world back in the day everything wasn’t as advanced as it is now. Interesting.

Let’s get back to the quest.

Jarl’s Tomb is on the way to Fort Pinta. Remember when I told you about the Y in the crossroad? Well last time you had to go to the right, but this time go to the left.

Now once you go left, there’s another small crossroad, or Y. There’s a path that goes to Pony Point and a path that goes to Silverglade. In the middle there is Jarl’s Tomb. Of course though, if you go on the Silverglade path (which you can only really do if you’re a Star Rider) there is another branch off that goes to Valedale and Firgrove. When you go on that road you can either keep going to Valedale or you can go across a bridge and go to Firgrove. Although that’s a lot of thinking. Let’s get back to Jarl’s Tomb.

You have to be dismounted to be able to enter Jarl’s Tomb. Don’t worry- it’s not scary. I just feel like it’s kind of a sign of respect to get off your horse.

Now open your inventory and drag the pick to one of the ore lump things. (I don’t know what they’re called, don’t judge.) Once you’ve gotten both of them return to Conrad.

“These are the perfect samples of Shiny Ghost Ore. Well done (insert character name). Now I will add the last small ornaments.”

Did you ever say “ordaments” and think it was actually “ordaments” when you were I kid? I always thought it was “ordaments” not “ornaments”. So weird. Anyway, you have to wait a day to finish this quest line. Don’t worry- this is the last time you have to wait a day with this quest line from Conrad Maarsden!

Shall we do some quests with that James?

I suggest we should!

We shall!

Ride over to James and speak with him! (Also, do you ever listen to music while playing Star Stable? I love doing this!) James! You better not be so reckless this time! (I’m actually listening to music right now just wanted to let y’all know, because it’s oh-so important.)

“Hello (insert character name). I have just ordered new fences and signs for Penny and Polly’s pony competition. You can apologise to them for me…I really didn’t mean to push the box with their things here off the cliff so everything would break. I don’t really know how it happened. I just kind of tripped and pushed the box several meters to the edge…then I stumbled again and gave it a really hard push and it went over the edge. Really bad luck, right?

But now I have ordered new equipment…it cost me a bit of money but will be worth it. My stomach is feeling better already, strange right? You think the two things are related? Is was my bad conscience that made my stomach hurt? Ha, you are funny (insert character name).

Hmmm… You know, maybe this pony competition isn’t such a bad idea after all. The smart part is that I get to let Penny and Polly try first so I get to learn from any mistakes they make. Later I can start an even better pony competition here in Fort Pinta! Brilliant!

Ouch! Now I have that pain in my stomach back again…ouch…I don’t know why my stomach is doing this to me. OW! Bye (insert character name)…ow ow ow…poor me…”

You better be sorry, James. And also, great cover-up. Totally great. He knows we’re not idiots, right? Wow. James’ conscience is a lot better than the actual him…

Ride over to Penny and Polly in Pony Point and give them the news! Talk to Penny.

“Hello (insert character name)! This is fantastic! We have received new obstacles from James and he helped us to put them up. It was very kind of him. Maybe he isn’t as awful as we thought?”

Oh yes, he is. He still is.

Talk to Polly.

“There, (insert character name). Now it is all set. All the fences are in place, so now we just need to ride the course from the start to finish. Only ponies are allowed in this race, but that is pretty clear, right?

Good luck!”

Ride the race and follow the arrows. If you got to do the test-run then you can do this, I believe in you!

Once you’ve finished the race return to Polly.

“Beautifully ridden (insert character name)! You really are an amazing rider!

You can come back any time you like and ride our race again.”

As she said.


Wonderful people who love and/or wanted to know more about Star Stable Online, this is the end of the non-Star Rider quests.

We made it to exactly part 10! From now on I will only be posting every other day. There will be tips on races, how to get your horse to be faster, etc. and maybe some times when I talk about the news, and ask you guys about it too! Did you enjoy reading this? Comment down below, and if you didn’t, you can leave some suggestions to make it more enjoyable if you want! And hey, I might even put up some stories of what I did on Star Stable, and maybe I’ll make some little reading stories about horses, and Star Stable? We’ll see! Be sure to come back soon to see if anything exciting is going on!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 9 JAMES THE SCAMMER.

What is Star Stable Online? Part 9 JAMES THE SCAMMER.

Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and if its not the weekend when you’re reading this, I hope you do have a wonderful weekend! Quests! Yes! We’ve been working on quests for the last…what, 7 parts? Wow! What to do once the non-Star Rider quests are over…news? Tips? Tricks? HELP? Yes! All of that, and more! Wow, it’s been nine parts already! Maybe we’ll make it to the 10th part of “What is Star Stable Online?” (Mostly quests for now.) When we left off we had just unlocked the Jorvik City Plaza/Mall! Celebrate!~ So now we have a couple more quests to do…with Conrad and maybe some things having to do with ponies…? Yes! Ponies! Remember when they came into Jorvik? What an amazing day that was! Now- what are we doing waiting around? We should be jumping right into the quests! Let’s go talk to a girl named Penny (not me this time haha!) who is residing in Fort Pinta! She’s out by the docks.

“Hello hello! Do you have a second? You do? Super duper!

My sister Polly and I have ordered a bunch of obstacles and decorations from James that we are going to use to build a pony race course. Isn’t it great? I know, the ponies are the best, right? There are no real competitions just for ponies…so we thought we would set up Silverglade’s very first exclusive pony competition. But this is not what I wanted to tell you…

It has been weeks since we made our order with James and I’ve seen that he has a big package there that has been there for a week. It has to be our order. But any time I try and talk to him about it he runs away on some errand or another. He is avoiding me all the time…I don’t know why…he was really nice when we paid him for our order…

Can you maybe speak with him and find out what is going on? You can? Super duper! Be sure to come back and let me know what you find out.”

That stingy James…

Ride over to James and speak to him about this.

“Hello (insert character name). Are you here to ride in my competition for real horses?

No? You want to know where the jumps Penny and Polly ordered are?


Yes, I have them. But, I can’t give the jumps to them. It would be bad for my business, you understand.”

Oh, James. When will you ever learn?

Speak with him again.

“Ok then (insert character name). I guess you are right…a deal is a deal. But I am going to lose a lot of money because of their pony race. I’m sure of it. How about you help me out with a little thing, and I will get the delivery ready. Deal?

Great! Ride down and take some pictures of the ponies on the barge. I’m going to print up some postcards and sell them to the tourists. Good idea, right? So I should be able to make some money on those little horses after all. Come back when you are finished. Great!”

Well…two greats from the beginning to the end eh? That must be great…well, no time to waste, right? Let’s get to it! Ride down to the pony boat and take pictures of them with the camera that James lent to you. Once you’re done, return to James and speak to him.

“We’ll see.”

Hey, we’ll see what? If you’ll give us the obstacles? Oh, you sure will, that’s not a “see.”, that’s a definite “Okay.”

Talk to him again.

“There. While you were busy photographing small horses I got Polly and Penny’s order ready. It is ready to go, and as compensation for delay I’m going to deliver it to their competition for free!

How strange?! That I’m doing anything for free? (Insert character name), inside my little chest beats a heart of pure gold.

Hmmm…heart of gold…if that is true maybe I can replace it with a cheaper pacemaker instead. A hold heart must be worth quite a lot of Jorvik Shillings! Sorry (insert character name), I was just daydreaming for a second there. Ride back to Penny and let them know their delivery is on the way.”

Well…that is strange. I feel like James is up to no good. He must’ve done something or other…strange. Very strange indeed.

And James, if you hadn’t said that you could sell it, I would’ve said the same…

Let’s ride over to Penny at the pony boat.

“Hello (insert character name). How did it go?

James has sent our order, great! You are the best!”

Aww, thanks Penny! We are pretty cool, aren’t we?!

Speak with her again.

“(Insert character name), now it is finally time to put together the competition track. Meet me and Polly at Pony Point please, we need your help.

Pony Point is back behind Jon Jarl’s crypt. Between the crypt and the Silversong river. I’ll just fix a couple small things first, then I’ll meet you there.”

Let’s do what she said. Hmm…sometimes I wish we could actually talk to the people we’re doing the quests with. Anyway, let’s get to it! Ride over to where Penny are Polly are.

“Hello (insert character name). I got a ride with a fishing boat so I got here faster than I thought I would.”

Okay then…speak with her again.

“There, now the fun work can start. We are going to put the jumps on the course, put up all the signs, and rake everything up nice and clean. There is a lot to do, but with help it should go quickly.

(Insert character name), could you take the fences out and put them up? They are so heavy that it would be great if you could take them on your horse. That way Polly and I won’t have to carry them all over Pony Point. You can? Thank you!

Come back when you are done and you can be the very first rider to test out the course!”


Put all of the obstacles in their designated places and return to Penny once you’re done!

“Perfect! This is going to be super duper!

Now we can test the track. Speak with Polly. This is super duper exciting!”

Okay, Penny…

In order to be able to test out the Pony Race you have to have a pony. If you have a pony, let’s continue! Speak with Polly.

“Ok (insert character name). Are you excited to test out our pony race?

We are really excited to see how it goes. I hope it is fun, we have been planning this for months now. You need to ride a pony to be able to ride in the competition, but I am sure you understand that by now, right?

Oh, one more thing! I don’t know if you have learned to jump with your regular horse yet, but it is possible to ride through the pony competition without jumping at all. The course is easier if you can jump, but we have designed it so that both beginners and expert riders can enjoy the course.

Good luck!”

Why, that’s nice of you, Penny and Polly. If you have a pony, let’s see how it goes!

When you start the race, the first obstacle you run around or jump over breaks. You barely even touched the jump! Odd. Ride back and tell Penny what happened.

“Oh no…the jump broke. How did that happen? You barely touched it. What bad luck.

What should we do now? We can’t open the competition if the obstacles are broken.”

Speak with her again.

“(Insert character name), this is a disaster. All the obstacles are broken except for one. How could this happen?

I know. It was that James! First he was completely against our competition and then he was suddenly completely nice about it. He is behind this…I know it!

(Insert character name), what should we do? Can you go and speak to James about this? Thank you. Oh, I really hope you can help us with thus. Otherwise we will need to cancel our pans to have a pony competition…”

JAMES! First and foremost, just because you trick a girl doesn’t mean you can get away with it. We’re not weak. We’re knowledgeable. Just because a girl seems weak and can be tricked easily because you’re too…busy to do other things doesn’t mean that they can’t catch on, or seek something. Something like revenge. Don’t worry- not now. We’ll get you though, James. We’ll get you…

For now though, let’s just go speak with him. If it were up to me, I’d give him a real scolding.


Hello (insert character name)! I don’t really have time to chat right now, my stomach hurts. It is important? Ok then.


Broken jumps? No..I don’t know anything about that.

Do I swear? Naaa…maybe…a little bit…OK OK! It was me that did it…but I didn’t really mean to do it.”

Yeah. Good thing your stomach hurts. That’ll just make this even more painful…


In order to do the next quest you have to wait one day.

Well, that’ll be it for today! I hope this wasn’t too much of an eyesore and that it was nice to read, and was informational…at least a little bit…

I’ll write as much as I can as soon as I can!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

(Not Penny from Pony Point!)

What is Star Stable Online? Part 8 THE BEAUTY OF THE MALL – NOT JAMES.

What is Star Stable Online? Part 8 THE BEAUTY OF THE MALL – NOT JAMES.

Hello wonderful people! Whether you love Star Stable and/or want to know about it, I hope you like this post of “What is Star Stable Online?”! Last part I said that we’re nearing the end of the non-Star Rider quests. We are, but don’t worry, we’re not there yet. When we left off we had just finished a quest with Conrad Marsdeen, the blacksmith. We’re not going to do the quest that we had to wait a day for just yet, because right now if you go to James in Fort Pinta, he should have a quest for you. Before you can get to that quest though, you have to do some short quests where you “Save the Buoys!” and put up posters and take pictures of Fort Pinta. (What James says isn’t that important and if you’re online on Wednesdays you can do these quests- only if you’ve been a Star Rider before I believe- and they’re exactly the same.) Once you’ve done those quests, you unlock a quest that allows you to go to the mall! Talk to James.

“Hi (insert character name). Sigh.

Why am I sighing? Hmm… Almost all of the clothes I have in stock to sell to the tourists here are sold out. I guess it’s a pretty nice problem to have, since it means I’ve already sold lots of stuff, but it’s still a problem… Before now, I’ve always been able to order new clothes and have them delivered from Jorvik City, but it’s not been going very well. All the packages of clothes seem to be getting lost, like by the roadside and so on, which means I don’t end up with anything to sell. I should really head over to Jorvik City now and pick up new stock, but who’d be here taking care of all the tourists if I went there?

So, yeah… (Insert character name)… Might you be able to do me a favour? Could you go to the mall for me and pick up the things I’ve ordered? The mall? Yeah, Jorvik City Plaza, Jorvik’s biggest shopping mall!

You’ll go? Amazing! Thanks (insert character name)! You could probably also pick up the horse gear I’ve ordered as well. Y’know, while you’re there… How do you get to Jorvik City Plaza? It’s easy! All you have to do is take the bus. There’s even a stop right here in Fort Pinta!

But… You need a bus ticket. Unfortunately, every bus ticket can only be used by the person who bought it, otherwise I’d lend you mine. It’s easy to buy your own though. The Notary here in Fort Pinta sells bus tickets, so buy one from him. When you’ve bought it, you activate it in the machine behind me. I haven’t really got the time to carry on chatting now (insert character name), business calls! So, buy a bus ticket and activate it in the machine behind me.”

Once you’re done reading there’s a short cut-scene where it shows you where to Notary is and where the activation machine is. Go over to the Notary first and buy a bus ticket. If you click on him he talks to you, and once you’re done talking to him it takes you to the shop, but first, let’s see what he has to say.

“If I sell tickets and travel cards? Why, yes indeed I do! Have a look in my shop and see if you find anything that suits you!”

Okay, now you can go to the shop. All that’s in there right now is a bus ticket. It’s called “Bus Ticket” and the description is, “This bus ticket entitles the holder to travel with Jorvik Transport’s buses!” there aren’t any restrictions and you can buy it for 110 Jorvik Shillings or 11 Star Coins. Once you’ve bought it, you can exit out of the shop and walk over to the activation machine. Open your inventory and drag the bus ticket onto the activation machine. You have to be standing close to the machine to be able to have it activate it. It takes about seven seconds to activate. Once you’re done you can talk to James.

“Excellent (insert character name)! Now you’ve got a bus ticket, and it’s validated as well! Believe me, those bus drivers can spot a invalid ticket from a mile away!

Hurry off to the mall now though; no time to waste! The bus leaves from the other side of the bridge to Fort Pinta. All you need is to go there and wait for the bus to come. Show your ticket to the driver, and then he’ll drive you to the mall in no time at all!

Don’t hang out there for too long, just think of all the customers I won’t be able to trick… Umm… I mean, make happy during all the time you’re away if I don’t have anything to sell! See ya!”

There’s a short cut-scene again that shows where the bus will stop.

Run over there and wait for the bus to come. Once you get there it says, “Wait here until the bus comes.” So as it says, and as I wrote, wait for the bus to come. A bus comes every 3 minutes. Once it comes you have to hurry and drag your bus ticket onto the front of the bus, where the driver would be sitting across from you and where you would get on. I wrote hurry because it’s only there for about 15 seconds or so. Once you drop the bus ticket it has a loading screen. On the loading screen it says;

“You get on the bus and take a seat. After a long drive through Jorvik’s beautiful countryside, the bus finally drives into Jorvik City. The announcement on the bus comes loud and clear…

“Next stop, Jorvik City Plaza.”‘

Once your loading screen is done loading, you’re at the wonderful Jorvik City Plaza. There’s a man that has the end of a quest for you. He’s the janitor.

“Hey! You there! Yeah you! Can’t you see I just mopped that floor?

Kids these days… Sigh… No respect for their elders.”

Talk to him again.

“Well well, what can I do for you then? You’re picking up stuff for James in Fort Pinta you say?

Heh! Well you’re certainly not the first victim he’s sent to do his work for him, all because he’s too stingy to buy his own bus ticket, he sends other people here to do his heavy lifting. Who do you think has to take care of all these lost sheep he sends here?

Exactly! It’s me! But now I’ve had enough! I can’t be bothered to help you as well as all the others, you’ll have to look after yourself!

Sigh. Ok, since you ask so nicely… You can help me with something in return though first.

You’ll be happy to help me, you say?! Well that’s great! Maybe you’re not as useless as all those other pushovers James sends…

As you see, the floor here is completely spotless. Not a bad job if I do say so myself! Sadly people just walk all over it any which way they please, but we’re going to put a stop to that. They act like they own the place, they never show any respect for my hard work. Pff.

Here, set out these warning signs where I’ve just mopped, and maybe the floor with be able to stand up to their filth for at least a little while. Go on, get out of here. Place out the signs are don’t come back before it’s done.”

Okay then sir. Go around the  mall and drag warning signs or, “Wet Floor Signs” and return to the janitor before you’re done…just kidding. Return to him when you’re done.

“Yeah, yeah, that’s not so dumb. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.”

Talk to him again.

“Hmm, did you think you were finished?

Haha, no. I knew you’d think you were finished, you’re a total lazybones just like everyone else who visits my mall! You’re not a lazybones, you say? Ok, well let’s see about that. You can prove you’re not a sleepy little slacker like all the others, spoiled little princess wondering around like they own the place, leaving all their garbage behind them. Rude is what they are! Rude and vile! When I tell the boss about the rude, vile pigs, all I hear is “you should smile at the customers”.

Bah! If it was up to me, I’d keep all of them all out of the mall and then there’d finally be a bit of order around here. Ah well, until that day comes, somebody’s gonna have to pick up all the rubbish they throw everywhere and today, that somebody isn’t going to be me. Ha!

Pick up all the garbage you find lying around the place and then maybe I’ll help you. Go on! Scram!”

Right now you can’t rely on your map to help you because on your mini-map it says that you’re in the same place. Go around the mall and click on any trash that you find. Not including people. (Sorry I had to add that.) Once you’re done return to the janitor.

“Good. You’ve done a really nice job.

Ok, you seem to be a little better bred than some of the other nitwits that hang around here at the mall. I’ll help you.”

Thank you, Mr. Janitor.

There are two quests you can do. “Faster than a Runaway Horse” and “Jorvik City Plaza: Horse Equipment Store”. Faster than a Runaway Horse is at the top, so let’s do that one first.

“Well, you surely know how that James works. Last time he was here, he tried to get me to buy a time-share apartment in one of the towers of Fort Pinta. It wasn’t even built, it didn’t even have planning permission but he still tried to get me to put down a deposit that was enough money to have bought half of Valedale! Pfff. I seem to remember letting him know exactly what I thought of him at the time. Haha! I’ve never seen anyone run so fast!

Haha! He must’ve run all the way back to Fort Pinta faster than a bolted horse! Since then he’s never dared show his face around here which is probably why that wretched little rat sent you instead…

Ah well, James orders clothes from Gordon at the clothes store over there. Talk to Gordon, he’s a friendly sort and can probably do something for you.

Come back to me with the clothes delivery once you’ve got it. No point in carrying a huge heavy pile of clothes while you’re here. I’ll look after them until you’re ready to ride back to James.”

Well, that was nice of you, Mr. Janitor. Talk to him again for the “Jorvik City Plaza: Horse Equipment store” quest.

“So, James has sent you to pick up the horse equipment he ordered?

Right. He must’ve ordered it from Alyx, she’s the owner of the horse equipment store here in Jorvik City Plaza. Go and talk to her, and then come back once you’ve got the delivery. I’ll keep my eye on for you until you’re ready to go back to James with it ifi you leave it with me. No point in wandering around with a bunch of head saddles and stuff if you don’t have to.”

That’s nice of him! So now you have two quests. The clothes store is to the right side of you if you’re facing and talking to the janitor’s face. The horse equipment store is right behind the janitor. Let’s talk to Alyx first. Alyx is cool. I’m not saying that Gordon isn’t, but let’s talk to Alyx first. Go into the horse equipment store and talk to her.

“Welcome to Jorvik’s biggest horse equipment store! How can I help you?

Equipment for James? Oh! You’re here to pick up his order? That’s a shame.”

Talk to this lovely lady again.

“I thought that I’d do James a favour, so I sent his delivery off on its way. It was only a couple minutes ago that I sent it, so you’re lucky!

You don’t look happy. You won’t have to carry it anymore, cheer up!  Haha! You’re strange. Why do you want to do loads of work if you can get away with not doing it?

You promised him, you say? Ok, ok. If you hurry you might be able to catch up with JB before he sets off from the mall.

Who’s JB?

He’s the driver that takes all the deliveries to Silverglade. He usually stops for a cup of coffee before he gets out on the road in his truck. Hurry over to the cafe and you might just catch him.

See you! Come back soon!”

Before you ask, no, JB isn’t Justin Bieber, he’s an old guy, and no, it’s still not Justin Bieber. Now if you want to, you can go talk to Gordon now. Go over to the clothing store that Gordon owns.

“Hello! Welcome to Jorvik City Plaza’s clothes store! The biggest clothes store in all of Jorvik!

If you want to try on some of our fabulous outfits, all you need to do is go into the fitting room over there and check out our collections!

Clothes delivery to James? Oh right. I thought you wanted to buy something.

Oh well.”

Gordon you’re making my feel guilty. I’m sorry. Maybe we’ll buy something next time, bud…talk to him again.

“Hmm… Now let’s see…

Exactly! James’ order… I have it in the stock room, wait a second and I’ll grab it for you. Ah. Hmm.

I lock the door to the stock room every evening. I always leave the keys in my backpack since I’m forever losing little things like keys and coins, so the backpack helps me remember where everything is. Hold on, I’ll just grab it.


Where’s my backpack? No! I must’ve left it somewhere!

Oh no… This means I can’t get into the stock room… Would you be able to help me? My backpack must be around here somewhere. Could you take a look around the mall and see if you can find it?”

Sure, Gordon. We’re nice people, right?…right..?…oh…okay..

No, but really, the backpack is on the second floor. When I first got this quest it took me forever to find it. What? I did! I’m not that good at questing…well…I wasn’t…at the time. I’m getting better! Haha! I had to go into the cafe where JB was to be able to find it. No, it’s not in there, but it’s right above it, and I tried to get it from the cafe because I was lazy, but it didn’t really work…anyway, if you go onto the escalator (yes there’s an escalator! I love escalators! Do you? Comment down below!) it’s up there. I’m not going to write about that yet- let’s go talk to JB in the cafe!


Hold it one second… Back up, back up. Let JB drink his coffee in peace before he goes back to putting his life on the line out on the roads of Jorvik.


Hmm… This isn’t coffee! This is… TEA!

Everyone calm down! JB is here, just take is easy.

Y’know what old JB would say when this kind of thing happens? What?! You don’t know who JB is? I’M JB!

What’s your name? (Insert character name). Mhm, well it doesn’t matter anyway. I’ve got a job for you. Get me some coffee. With milk. Don’t forget the milk!”

Okay then JB. Oh, and JB stands for Jack B. I don’t know what the B stands for, but if I knew his last name, I would tell you. So there’s a trade thing above his head- WAIT- don’t go and buy some coffee with milk for him. I did that and I knew I messed up. Go over to the cafe owner named Clementine and talk to her.

“Hello there! Do you have a moment?

Would you be able to help me with something? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t urgent.


So it’s like this: all the customers that order from the cafe don’t just sit nicely at their tables, and instead wander off around the mall with my cups and saucers and just leave them randomly lying around the place. Because of this, I’m almost out of dishes to serve things in, and I’m on my own here so I can’t leave the cafe to pick them all up.

I’d be able to stay here and serve the guests if you wouldn’t mind going around the mall and gathering up all the dishes…

Thanks so much! This is super nice of you.”

This is why you don’t buy coffee with milk. She gives it to you. Go around the mall and pick up the dishes as she said. What I would do to prevent this happening, is I would put a notice board and put it up in the cafe and put a little notice poster outside on the glass window. And ALSO, while you’re up on the second floor, which you’ll have to go to in order to get some of the dishes, there’s the backpack! It’s by the lockers if you can spot them.

Once you’re done gathering the dishes, return to Clementine.

“Great! You found all the dishes that disappeared from the cafe!

Thanks a lot!”

Now you have the coffee with milk. See? No money wasted. You actually got money from that quest I’m pretty sure. Click on Jack now, and click Yes when it says to complete the swap!

It’s done! Now talk to him.


Now I’m ready! Time to get out into the open road again. Keep the home fires burning and if I’m not back by sunrise, call the Councilman!

What now? A delivery for James, you ask?

Of course! It’s right beside me. You can trust old JB, my deliveries always get where they’re going! Door to door! Last month I managed to drive off the bridge to Fort Pinta THREE times! Three! That’s a new record! You can tell James that JB’s on his way!

You’ll take the order to James, you say? Oh, okay. Less work for me, I suppose! Take it!”(Pick up the delivery next to JB and take it to the Janitor)

Yes, it says that “(Pick up the delivery next to JB and take it to the Janitor)” in the speaking box. And yes, I said speaking box, I don’t know what else to call it. JB thinks he’s such a superhero…should we tell him? Okay..I guess I don’t have the heart though…poor old guy…I actually feel kind of bad for him…

Pick up the box and walk/run over to the Janitor.

“Looks like you got all the horse equipment James ordered! I’ll keep an eye on it until you’re ready to head back to Fort Pinta.”

Thanks, Mr. Janitor! That’s quite nice of you!

Now let’s go and talk to Gordon in the clothes store.

“Amazing! You found my backpack!

Haha, you’ll never guess what happened while you were away. I’d forgotten to lock the door to the stock room, so I didn’t need the key in the backpack in the end. It’s really nice of you to help me though!”


It took so long to find…

I…I can’t believe you Gordon…

Why didn’t you check to see if it were unlocked in the first place?…

Oh well…I’ll just find another person to buy my clothes from…

Fine! Let’s talk to him again then.

“Seems like forgetting to lock the stock room was pretty lucky in the end. I found time to pick out the items on James’ order while you were out looking for my backpack.

Here, who was supposed to get the order again? James! Of course, that’s how it was.

Hmm… Are you sure you don’t need to go to the mall Janitor first? Everyone else who James sends seems to go to him, and I can understand why! This order must weigh half a ton! You won’t want to wander around with all that extra weight if you don’t need to!”

I’d wander around with all that extra weight if I wanted to, Gordon! Are you saying I’m weak? I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL! BOOM! RKO! HAHA! Yeah? Haha! Wait…no…? Oh…okay then…well…okay…

MR. JANITOR! I AM COMING YOUR WAY! Wha-what? Oh okay. I was just trying to be- okay…um…well…okay then…

Go over to the Janitor and talk to him.

“Hello again! So you got James’ clothes order? It’s quite heavy, right? Thought so! His orders usually are.

I’ll look after everything while you get the rest of James’ stuff!”

Well, okay, but that was all of it. Talk to the Janitor again.

“So there we go, now you’ve got both of the deliveries James wanted. Come back to the mall tomorrow if you want, but wipe your feet on the way in, I don’t want more dirty feet tramping over my nice clean floors!

I hope you get something from James for all the trouble you’ve gone to. Not likely, but now you’ve got yourself a bus ticket you’ll be able to come back here whenever you like.

See you soon!”

Bye Mr. Janitor! He’s not to bad after all.

Ride back to James and talk to him.

“Hey (insert character name), how did it go?

Wonderful! Both clothes and horse equipment! These are going to sell like hot cakes!

Reward? I promised you a reward? Hmm, seems like you remembered wrong.

Ok, ok, you can have something. Hold on, lemme see what I’ve got in this box…

Here, this is probably nice or something, you’ll like it. Now you’ll have to excuse me, I’ve got business to attend to.”

Yeah, you better give me something, James.

But um…that jacket was um…nice? I suppose…

Well, anyway, I’m sure it was all James could find that was girly I guess, even though not everyone’s girly heh. I feel like he’s the type of guy who would think that all girls are pink-lovers, and that’s okay I guess!

Anyway, that’s all I’m going to write for now! I’m at almost at four thousand words! I know it’s not much, but I like to think that it is. I hope you guys enjoyed reading, and that it wasn’t too much. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and stay safe!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 7 OUR DREAM HAS COME TRUE!

What is Star Stable Online? Part 7 OUR DREAM HAS COME TRUE!

Hello wonderful people who love Star Stable and/or want to know more about it! My name is Penelope, and today I’m going to tell you about the wonderful wonders of Star Stable Online Horse Adventures and all of the quests, with some help along the way! Before I begin, I want to add a link that if you click it it will take you to a lovely woman named Stacy’s YouTube channel/page. Here’s the link:


Almost a year ago she started playing Star Stable Online and has been playing it ever since! She didn’t know really anything about Star Stable Online when she started, but as she leveled up and began to warm up to the game, and began playing it, and getting to know it, she’s become so knowledgeable about it, and helps a lot of people out! I hope that if you choose to click on the link above you’ll get to know a lot more about Star Stable!

You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more! Or if you want to, you can go to YouTube.com and search “Stacy Place” and her channel will pop up!

If you want to, Stacy has another Star Stable Let’s Play on the Star Stable channel, you can check that out. Don’t forget to click the link below ↓


There is a Star Stable with Stacy series that you can watch that helps out a bit, and they also have tons of informational videos that you should check out!

Now, time to get back on track! When we left off we had just done a few quests with Tan and Loretta, and a couple with Mr. Kembell. Today will be the wonderful day that in which we will finally do the quests with Justin. Hopefully its been a day now, and by now you will have waited one. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into the quests! Talk to Justin.

“I don’t know how the change the mind of that crazy old man. I know that my mother truly loved my father. What happened was a tragedy and there was no foul play involved, no matter what others might say. Look, I have these letters- the correspondence between my mother and father from before they got married. It truly shows how profound their love was- I have been thinking about showing these to Jasper but never had the nerve for it. Maybe you could do it? Here, take these letters and show them to Jasper. They should be able to make at least some kind of impression on him.”

Run over to Jasper’s farm and talk to him.

“Here you come again bringing more papers with you. Well, let me have a look at that- it looks dated… But I do recognize that handwriting. Is it true? Are they actually written by… My daughter?

When I read these letters from my beloved daughter my heart melts. Oh, how foolish and proud I have been, and it has cost my grandson. I have these deeds indeed and Thomas Moorland shall have them; that scumbag Mr. Kembell is a disgrace to this island. Here is the key to my deposit box in Fort Pinta- inside it you will find the deed. Collect it and return the key to me before you say anything to Thomas Moorland. From now on, you can always pass my land freely.

You will get to Fort Pinta by following the Fort Pinta Approach southwardly.”

Fort Pinta. That’s the land that Jasper Holbrook, or Old Man Jasper has been guarding. The stables there are just magnificent. Beautiful and open. Light and just… I can’t explain it. You’ll have to see it yourself, I’m sorry. I’ll set an image of it for the featured image. You can see the featured image by looking at this post, and just this post. You can look at just this post by clicking on the title. If you want to, you can check out a video of it that Star Stable posted at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2sVMJUUKgg. It’s gorgeous.

Now, back to what was happening in the game. Follow the road called Fort Pinta Approach, just like Jasper said. Don’t get worried that you’ll miss it, you won’t. There’s a crossroad that turns into a Y, but just turn right and keep following the road and you definitely won’t miss it. There’s a notary in the plaza and you can drag the key to him wherever its sparkling. Return to Jasper once you’re done.

“These are the old legal documents that Thomas needs. This deed will prove he is the legal owner of the Moorland Stables. And my key? Thank you very much.”

Talk to him again.

“Well, what do you know? My frosty heart is now warm, after twenty years in the cold… Now young lady, I give you this deed to the Moorland Stables; you have certainly earned it. I gather you are off to see Thomas Moorland now… And he will be pleased, no doubt.”

Talk to him once more.

“Young lady, I have a favour to ask you. If you would honour an old man, take these old letters to Justin and this amulet that belonged to his mother. Tell him what you have done and that I want to see my young grandchild as soon as possible. It is not much but a small attempt to repair twenty years of spite, and I guess an old fool’s way of saying he is sorry.”

You have two quests to finish. You can talk to Justin or Thomas first. Let’s talk to Justin.

“Oh, gosh! You have no idea how happy this makes me, (insert character name). This fued that’s been going on for far too long has finally come to an end. And it’s all thanks to you alone. You will always be a very special friend to the Moorland Stables.”

That quest gives you a shirt. Now talk to Thomas if you want.

“Holy horses! You have saved the stables from destruction! Finally I can prove I’m the legal owner of the Moorland Stables and all is thanks to your efforts! I will show this to the city council and Mr. Kembell will have no choice but to stop the construction of the new buildings. I don’t know how to thank you. I owe you more than I could ever repay you.”

That quest gives you some pants. The shirt is green with short sleeves. It’s well fitted to your character. The pants are black and look a little big. There is a quest that you can do in Fort Pinta if you want to do it. Go over to one of the stands that’s close to the disco but is close to a pet shop. Click on the lady that is standing behind that stand.

“Hello there! You would like a bag? Then you have come to the right place!

Welcome to the Fort Pinta Pet and Bag Store. Why do we sell both pets and bags? Everyone knows, you need to have a saddlebag for your pet to ride in when you are out riding. How else would your little pet be able to keep up otherwise?

So, here at my store you can find some of the best bags in all of Jorvik and with my friend behind me you can find all kinds of pets.”

If you dismount your horse and walk into the pet store you can find a woman behind a counter that you can talk to in order to finish the quest.

“Hello hello! Aha, you are a VIP Customer you say? Here you go! This is a saddlebag your pet can sit in. It isn’t the most beautiful bag in the world but my colleague here sells other very nice designs if you feel you need something more exclusive. But anyways, the pets! Have you seen how cute they are? They are all looking for a new friend to take care of them, what do you say? Are there any of them you really like? Speak with me again if you want to buy any of them and remember they need to sit in a bag if you want to seem them. With this many horses running around we wouldn’t want them to get hurt! If they can’t look out of the bag it isn’t exciting for them and they won’t show themselves.”

Once you’ve finished reading and have clicked out of it you receive a bag. It has patches all over it, and as the lady at the counter said, it isn’t the most beautiful bag in the world, but it’ll do! But maybe your pet would think otherwise…

That short quest line is over. Let’s see if there’s anything else!

Remember when Tan said that you just might be able to become a Bobcat Girl? Well, let’s see if your dream has come true! When we left off there you had to wait a day to be able to do the quest! Well, we’ve waited a day, so let’s see what Loretta wants to say!

“You’ve done awesome work around here for the stable. I never thought we’d accept you as a Bobcat, (insert character name), but I have to say you’re really crazy good and you deserve it…

Welcome to the club (insert character name)! You’re a Bobcat now! Go talk to Tan, she’s got a little welcome gift for you.”

Yep, I never thought you would say that either, Loretta. Glad you did! This is really irrelevant, but as I was typing this I was contemplating whether or not I should just add in a name there for the effect of having a name there. If you want me to add a name at any time, I can always do that. Putting a “(insert character name)” just adds more space for creativity in my opinion, but if you want me to change that, you can comment names that you want me to put there instead, and I can give you a little shout-out thing…

Now, back on track, talk to Tan. She has something for you.

“Welcome to the club! Here is your reward, a Bobcat Girls jacket!”

I love how she says ‘reward’ instead of ‘gift’ or something like that. The jacket has kind of broad shoulders and is pink everywhere but the collar and the back where there’s a sign that has a B and a C linked together. There’s also like a little zipper that’s white as well.

Also, before I end this part, let’s go see how Conrad Marsdeen is. We went and did a quest for him and we had to wait a day. It’s been a day, so let’s see what he’s up to!

“Forging metal on my anvil into the finest horseshoes is what I do. As a druid and member of the Keeper of Aideen, I strive to protect this island from exploitation. I’m now going to ask you for some precious Jorvik steel, I therefore want to emphasize that I will not use it without great care and responsibility. I thank this island every day for the valuable gifts it brings us islanders.

Shoes made out of Jorvik steel could make your horse fly across these acres. In the Demascus Mine to the west of here people used to mine the steel in the ancient days. Take this pick and bring my five lumps of steel. You will be greatly rewarded.”

As he said, go to the west of where you were standing and you’ll come to a mine. Dismount your horse and click on five lumps of the steel. Return to Conrad once you’re done.

“Ah! The purity of this metal is a dream come true. Let me start working on shoes for your fine steed. They will carry you safely and swiftly. This may take some time, so don’t forget to return here later and see if I’m done.”

In order to do the next quest you have to wait a day. I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s nearing the end of all of the non-Star Rider quests. We’ll probably finish all of them in two or so parts. I hope you enjoyed reading this post of “What is Star Stable Online?” and the quests! I’ll write as much as I can as soon as I can, I hope you have a wonderful day, and be safe!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 6 SLIMY KEMBELL!

What is Star Stable Online? Part 6 SLIMY KEMBELL!

Hello wonderful Star Stable lovers and people who want to know more about Star Stable Online Horse Adventures! (I really wanted to put that grandly.) Today I’m still celebrating finding my long lost (real) part 5 of “What is Star Stable Online?”! If you want to check that out you can click here → https://starstablehelpblog.wordpress.com/. Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to do the click here, and have you click on the word here. Nope, couldn’t figure it out. So sorry! Okay, so when we left off, we he just finished talking to Justin. You had to wait a day or spend the night at a stable, and if you want to see how to spend the night and where you can you can click on the link above, because it was on the same post. Now before I get to the quests with Justin, there are some other quests you can do. (I know, sometimes doing the side quests opens up more and MORE side quests, but that’s what helps you level up!) Tan has a quest for you. Go over and talk to her. (Note: you can do more than one quest at a time!)

“(Insert character name) Have you seen Loretta? No? She took a ride on the Wild Bobcat Track but never returned. I’m worried that something has happened to her but I can’t leave the paddock here, all the Bob Cats are out searching for her and I need to stay here if someone gets back with the news. I know you might not like Loretta much but I really need you to help out searching for her. Please ride to the cliffs west of here and look for her? Hurry (insert character name)!”

Yes, the capitalization on “Bob Cats” was like that. I never change any writing unless the word is not complete or is unnecessary. I always try my best to stay true to the real quest scripts, and honestly, I love to see the mistakes that the Star Stable Team has done, because it reminds me that they are humans, not gods and goddesses. Yes, I do think of them that way sometimes because it’s amazing what that have done. They truly are wonderful. Okay, I’ve gotten too far off track. As Tan said, go over to the cliff. On your horseshoe-mini map there should be a green dot and go over to it if you don’t know where to go. You have to talk to a G.E.D. worker. His name is literally G.E.D. Worker.

“Stop! This road has been declared unsafe! You can’t walk, ride, or drive any further. There was a huge rockslide a little while ago and large rocks have blocked the road completely. If I have seen a girl on a horse? No, but I hope for her sake that she’s not lying under the pile of boulders over there, in that case she’ll be flat as a pancake… Mm… Pancakes…”

When he said, “You can’t walk, ride, or drive any further.” he definitely rehearsed that or said it so many times that he just knew it from heart. Yeah? Yeah? No? Okay…

Talk to him again.

“No, I can’t let you pass. Even if your friend is in danger the road must be cleared before I let you pass, those are the orders I have. So, I won’t leave this place until Mr. Kembell tells me to, you don’t know what he’d do to me if he found out that I had disobeyed his orders. Hrmpf… If it’s that important, why don’t you go over to the construction site northeast of here and ask Mr. Kembell to send the bulldozer… You’ll find Mr. Kembell on the construction site, close to that beautiful, large advertising board. Bah, I don’t have time with this drivel. I’m hungry and no one’s coming to let me have my lunch! Off you go to the construction site!”

And before you ask, no, you don’t disobey him and go sneak around the boulders. You have to go to the construction site and talk to that nasty Mr. Kembell. Why I said nasty, I have no idea. He’s really not nice and he’s that type of person that you just don’t want to be around and don’t feel comfortable around. He is by that advertising board as the construction worker said. Talk to Mr. Kembell.

“Ah! What have we here? A cute little stable here dares to come all the way up here? What do you want then…? Sabotage my powerful machines in a pathetic attempt to save your little pile of boards you call a stable? Don’t worry you little girl, we will tear the stable down and build new houses all over the land that we’ll sell for fantastic amounts of money- rather excellent, isn’t it? I’ll be rich and the Moorlands won’t get a dime. I even get to watch them cry as I burn the stables to the ground!

Oh, you’re not here to cause any trouble? Really? You want me to lend you a bulldozer? You’re funny, little girl. Ha ha ha!”

Yeah, he has no idea how wrong he is about everything he just said. Talk to this…thing once more. (I’m actually disgusted writing this right now. I bet my facial expression is so disgusted* looking)

“So you want me to send a bulldozer to clear the western road in order to rescue a friend? I really should ask you for an outrageous amount of money but you don’t look like you have it. I guess I was going to have that road cleared anyway. I’m waiting for the wrecking crew to come, and this rockslide will force them to take a detour. But if you want my help you have to do something for me first, I never give anything away for free. You see all these ugly trees around here? They must be cut down to make room for our machines and new buildings. Take this red marking tape and mark four trees that we will chop down. Do that and I promise I’ll send the bulldozer to clear the road.”

Okay, A., Mr. Kembell, TREES ARE THE REASON YOU ARE BREATHING THROUGH THAT PRETTY LITTLE NOSE AND YOUR PRETTY LITTLE MOUTH RIGHT NOW. SO YOU WANNA CUT DOWN SOME “UGLY” TREES? NO. GO GET YOUR OWN TREE TO CUT DOWN. THAT’S NOT OKAY. I’m sorry, he’s bothering me, even though I’m not even playing this and I’m watching a video. (Yes, I’m watching a video, so if I make any mistakes like say the horse’s name or the character’s name that’s because I was really caught up in writing it not editing it.) Anyway, Mr. Kembell gives you some red marking tape for you to mark the trees with. (Also, I know that there’s a ton of huge forests, but seriously, he’s SO outrageous I can’t even handle it if you can tell.) Mark four trees to your left if you’re talking to Mr. Kembell and facing his face. Well, you can face him either which way, but turn east (you can look at your mini-map to check what direction you’re facing) and you’ll see the four trees. Plus they’re sparkling. Once you’re done talk to Mr. Kembell again. (Also if you like Mr. Kembell I’m not going to write anything else for the rest of my life, and this isn’t a challenge, it’s a wow-I-can’t-believe-that-you-like-this-horrible-person kind of thing)

“Good girl. Maybe you should think about working for us here at the G.E.D.? We’re alway looking for people willing to destroy and exploit nature. Oh, my promise? I don’t remember any promise… Ha ha ha! Shows you not to trust anyone. Anyway, I had already given the order to send the bulldozer, so one could say you did all this for nothing! See, here it goes!”

Yes, you can actually see the bulldozer go away. No, it’s not important. The important thing is that Mr. Kembell is a slimy man who should never be trusted. Do you see why I STRONGLY dislike Mr. Kembell now? There you go. (If you’re one of those people who says that hate is a strong word and I shouldn’t say it, this is for you. If you’re one of the people who doesn’t care if it’s a “strong word” you are my best friend. Thanks.) Talk to Mr. Kembell again.

“Off with you girlie. The bulldozer is on its way. Better stay away while it words, so you can go update your friends about the situations or whatever, I don’t care. Now, I must keep planning the demolition of your pathetic little stable… And don’t forget you helped me do it! Ha ha ha!”

No comment. Go tell Tan the news.

“(Inset character name), do you have any news about Loretta? A bulldozer is on its way to clear the rockslide, that’s good. You shouldn’t have helped the G.E.D. but that Mr. Kembell is a real dirt bag, he tricked you real good. Think about it next time though, you can’t trust G.E.D. any longer than your nose.”

Yes, Tan, we know we shouldn’t have done that, no need for a lecture. Even if the lecture was short and not very effective. And yes, Tan, he is a real dirt bag. Talk to Tan again.

“The bulldozer should have cleared the road by now. Ride back there and look for Loretta. Oh, I hope she’s alright… Hurry (insert character name), hurry!”

Go over to where you last talked to the G.E.D. worker. Loretta is at the top of the hill, and no, she’s not smashed, sorry. You’ll have to talk to her. (Yes, I did just say, “and no, she’s not smashed, sorry.” Loretta isn’t that bad of a person, trust me.)

“What are you doing here? Are you lost or something? Oh, Tan sent you…that was kind of her…of you. Maybe you’re ok after all. Listen, I’m sorry if I’ve been hard on you. You seem ok. Thanks for the help (insert character name).”

See! I said she isn’t that bad of a person! Talk to her again.

“Hmm, we need to go back to the stables I guess. This is boring. Let’s compete and see who gets back to the Moorland Stables first! From here and back to Tan at the paddock! Last one there is the loser. And that will be you! Let’s go!”

That kind of triggers a race. You can only do it once. Before you ask, no, you don’t win. Loretta gets an unfair advantage of A., knowing the terrain better, and B., getting a head start. The first few times I did this I fell off the cliff. Yes, I did. Your horse just gets a little hurt and you are taken back up to the top of the hill. Do the race as many times as you have to and talk to Loretta once you’re back at the paddock.

“I told you I was going to win! I am the best! I am the greatest rider in the world! You will never beat me! Never! Hooray for me!”

You are also the cockiest in the world. That’s not necessarily a good thing, Loretta. Talk to Tan now.

“You are really improving, (insert character name). I think you are ready for a real challenge. Because you helped us with Loretta I’ll let you ride on the Bobcat Girl’ finest track, the Wild Bobcat Track. It’s hard and dangerous so take it easy. Remember, you’re not a Bobcat Girl, so don’t feel bad if you don’t beat our high scores. I mean, no one can. There’s no shame in losing to the Bobcat Girls, just accept that when we’re around you’re always second best.”

Sure, Tan. Sure.

This quest triggers race. (Yes, ANOTHER race.) Do the race and talk to Tan again.

“That was pretty good. If you’re up to it you can compete in this race again. Just speak to me again and I’ll let you have another try. Let me tell you something about racing that maybe you didn’t know, every time you compete in a race and and preform well you earn reputation. Like if you do well on this track, we Bobcat Girls will see that you have skill. I’m not promising anything, but if you earn enough reputation with us maybe, just maybe, you could become a member of our club.”

Okay, a couple of things. If you want to do the race again you have to talk to Loretta, not Tan. Loretta seems to have a connection to it, because you know, she kind of got herself stuck there. Although she could’ve totally gotten herself out if she had just gone through Silverglade and down the road there, but there had to be a quest, right? Yep! And also, you don’t necessarily have to preform well on the track, you just have to finish it.

Now that that’s out of the way, in order to complete the next quest you have to wait one day and the next day you can complete it. That’s all I’m going to write for today, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to Justin’s quests. I’ll try to write as much as I can as soon as I can!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 5 LONG LOST PT. 5!

What is Star Stable Online? Part 5 LONG LOST PT. 5!

Hello wonderful Star Stable people! Today I’m going to tell you more about the quests and such. Aside from the story-line quests, you can do some other quests. There’s a quest with Conrad and May. You can go to either one of them, but I’m going to write Conrad’s first. Go to him at the smithy.

“Well, hello there. Greetings to you and your fine steed. You look young and strong; maybe you could help me with a small task? Just the other day my old assistant Patrick was bringing me a shipment of the finest tools from Jorvik Stables. He was almost here when one of those dastardly Bobcat Girls came racing down the Demascus Mine road and almost rode him down! He got so scared that he ran all the way here but dropped all the tools along the way. He’s not a brave man and now refuses to go back out there, so my new tools are just lying out there somewhere, rusting away. I don’t have time to go look for them myself but maybe could do it for me? I would be forever in your gratitude, young lady.

The shipment contained a hammer, a clincher, and a shiny pick of the finest Jorvik steel.”

There’s a plus for you if you made your horse a male. When he said “fine steed” I guess he could have meant a female horse as well, but it would be kind of funny if it were a male, haha. Why would it be funny? Because he got it right, and he’s an NPC! I guess I have a weird sense of humor. Anyway, if you can’t see any red sparkles, look at your map and it’ll help you. Once you’ve found them, go back to Conrad.

“Ha! You are an angel, (insert character name). This is indeed a great day. I am so happy you were able to find all my tools.”

Yep..don’t talk to him again yet. You have to wait another day to do the next quest. Now you can go over to May and see what she wants.

“How are things going, (insert character name)? Have you visited the cool shops yet? What?! You haven’t? You must see them and check out all the awesome stuff they sell. Go visit the Gear shop, and Clothes shop and the Star shop which have the best clothes and gear you can find here at Moorland, but you need very good reputation to shop in the Star shop.”


You can “go into” a shop by clicking on it, but you can’t really browse it. You click on it, and another tab pops up for the shop. The only real shop that you can browse and walk around in is the mall, and you need to have done a special quest to unlock it. Don’t worry though- you don’t have to be a Star Rider. You can compare your gear in the shop by hovering over the item that you want and pressing the shift key on your keyboard. It’s a great way to compare gear because you don’t have to move over to the other item that you have, or want, and compare it, because you have to remember what the stats, REP requirements, and level requirements are. You can buy for your horse, gear, clothes, and much more at normal shops! There are also cafes (I can’t put an accent on it, sorry) that you can buy food for yourself at! Your character doesn’t actually need food, but it’s nice to have the experience, and it’s also very entertaining to be able to have some details when you’re role playing.

Back to the quest. Once you’ve looked at all of the shops return to May.

“That was cool, right? Well keep working on your Moorland Reputation and soon you will be able to buy very good gear and clothes. Don’t forget there are tons of other shops around Silverglade as well.”

There are also tons of shops all around Jorvik that you can shop at as well. Once you get to open the area that Jasper is protecting, you can unlock a quest that unlocks the mall. Almost everything is sold there. It’s simply wonderful. So remember to quest for that mall! If you want to unlock the village that Jasper is guarding, you have to talk to Justin. Hopefully it’s a new day. Otherwise you can sleep over at the stable if you have 75 Star Coins or more. You can sleep at multiple stables. I will list as many as I can remember. (I did an entire post pretty much just about this, and it had some of the quests in it, but I guess for some reason it didn’t publish, and that’s a real bummer. So if you see anything that doesn’t make sense, it’s because I forgot that it didn’t publish the other post. So this would’ve been part 6, but sadly it didn’t publish. I’m going to go eat my sandwich now. Sad face.) Okay, now that I’ve eaten my sandwich (yes I was serious about that) and taken a small break, I can continue. When we left off Justin was talking to you. He said, “(Insert character name)! There you are. I was looking for you.” After you’re done with that, a clock pops up.


No, no, the clock isn’t some kind of sign that will hurt you or anything. It just means that you have to wait for the next day (real time day, in real life) to be able to access that quest. (And also, I was just looking back at my last blog post, I’m sorry for sounding like such a downer, I was really bored) So what if you don’t want to wait for the next real time day, and you want to do the quest right now? You can spend the night at one of the stables. (I was just actually looking on the search history for my lost blog post, and I found it! I’ll put it into this post so that you’ll be able to see it!)


Hello again, my dear and wonderful fellow Star Stable lovers. Today I am going to continue writing the starting quests, so why wait any longer?

When we left off you were talking to Justin. You had just finished a quest. Once you finished that quest, you were given a riding jacket. (I didn’t add that in last time I wrote because I was too lazy) Talk to Justin again.

“It’s nice to see you again. I hope everyone has been nice to you here. Don’t mind Loretta, she can be a bit harsh sometimes but she’s nice once you get to know her, even if it’s hard to believe.

Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about how taking care of your horse works. Let’s start with getting all the tools that we need. I want you to bring  me a brush for grooming, a hoof scraper for scraping hooves, some hay for food, and a bucket of water for (insert horse’s name) to drink. Bring all this to me and I’ll show you how to use it.”

As he said, you have to find all of the tools that you’ll need in the courtyard. Don’t worry- there will be sparkly stuff around it. You’ll be able to find it easily. Once you’ve gotten the tools, talk to Justin again. (Also, sometimes when you finish quests they reward you with clothes and stuff. Its really cool.)

“Yes, those are the tools you will need. Good job!”

Now talk to him again.

“Now let’s get to it. Here’s what you do now. Get off your horse. Open your inventory and use the tools on (insert horse’s name), one at a time. Once you do this your horse will feel better and become happier. If you do this every day your horse will soon be so happy that you will actually notice that he runs faster. But, if you neglect to take care of (insert horse’s name), he will soon become sad and perform worse than he usually does. But a responsible rider would never let that happen, that is not how we do things at Moorland Stables!”

You can open your inventory by pressing the inventory button on your mini-horseshoe map, or you can press the ‘I’ key on your keyboard. To take care of your horse, as he said, open your inventory and drag the tools onto your horse until the icon is opaque, and then you can stop pressing the left mouse key. Once you’ve used all of the tools on your horse, there is a small pop-up thing that says, “Daily caring for your horse completed!” and under that it says your horse’s name.  (Note: you have to be standing right by your horse to be able to take care of it, and you have to be dismounted from your horse to be able to take care of it.)

Talk to Justin once you’re done taking care of your horse.

“Good job, (insert character name)! Listen, we always need a hand with our horses here at Moorland Stables and I know now that I can trust you with our animals. Check the notice board by the stable and see what chores there are to be done. It’s updated every day so come back often!”

Don’t go to the notice board yet. Talk to him again.

“Oh, I almost forgot. I just got word from my father, Thomas, that he wants to see you. I’ve told him about the great job you are doing around here and I think that got his attention. He wants to ask you something really important, and he wouldn’t tell me what it was but I could see it in his eyes that it was something special. My father is usually working in the west part of the stable courtyard.”

Important like what? Want some food? Yes sir!

Run over to Thomas Moorland on horseback or on foot.

“Thank you for coming so fast, (insert character name). The situation with Mr. Kembell from G.E.D. is getting out of hand and I need your help.”

So he doesn’t give you food after all. Sad. Talk to him again. (Also, you don’t necessarily have to do the chores, but you get money from doing them, so it’s great.)

“This is troubling… That slimy vulture Mr. Kembell has plans to evict us all and raze Moorland Stables to the ground. I just got word that he has almost convinced the city council, and I am running out of time to stop him. Even as we speak his despicable pack of land surveyors are setting up their equipment so they can make a detailed demolition map and present it to the city hall. I know that I have legal rights to this land but I need more time to get the documents in order.

Will you help me save Moorland Stables, (insert character name)? We need to delay Mr. Kembell’s land surveyors to win some time. All you need to do is switch off their GPS equipment. Right now they are it up in the forest just north of the Moorland Stable.”

So you have to click all of their GPS equipment. You’ll know it when you see it. Also, make sure that there aren’t any of the G.E.D. guys wandering around close to you. If you get caught, you have to redo the quest. Turn off all of the G.E.D. equipment and return to Thomas.

“Splendid, good work there. I truly appreciate it. That will delay them for a while. Now I’ve got a little time at least to build my case against Mr. Kembell and the city council.”

Talk to him again.

“What am I going to do, (insert character name)? Mr. Kembell is really putting pressure on me about those legal documents… I’m sure I could stop him if I just got a little more time. Hmm… Maybe a little harmless sabotage on the construction site would distract him for a while. Haha! If he wants to play rough I’ll show him that he has met his match!

Let’s see. There’s a power central at one of the power line poles, just where the road makes a turn to the construction site. There should be a switch turning off the power line that supports the construction site with electricity. You would even turn off the lights to that ugly, stupid advertising board as a bonus. That should buy us some valuable time.”

The funny thing about all this is that both Mr. Kembell and Thomas Moorland are old guys. Go over to the construction site power line pole and click on it, and then return to Mr. Moorland.

“Ha ha, that’s priceless. I think I could hear that dimwit screaming at his workers all the way here. Now I have a little more time, just what I needed. And, we don’t have to see that hideous advertising board anymore!”

Thomas Moorland is awesome. Talk to him again.

“I think I know how to stop Mr. Kembell. All I need is a way to prove my rights to this land. There’s a deed to the Moorland Stables which was given to my father over 50 years ago by the baroness or Silverglade- yes, she is the one residing in the castle up there.

I have looked everywhere for the office archives but I can’t find the documents anywhere. I have an idea about who could though. Our old accountant, Mrs. Holdsworth, knows all about our business and is sure to know where the documents are. She retired last year and now spends her days taking care of an orchard just outside the stables. Go see her; she should be able to find the documents.

You’ll find her east of the Moorland Stables.”

Go through the northern gates to the stables and turn east- her little cottage surrounded by her orchard shouldn’t be too far away. She’s a nice little lady, and is one of my favorite characters. She’s wonderful. Talk to her.

“Well hello there dear, what can I do for you?”

Talk to her again. Isn’t she nice?

“Hmm… Let me think. I believe there was a deed of ownership, but it got lost some years ago. When Thomas Moorland’s wife Catherine died in childbed Thomas lost all interest in papers and documents and just wanted to spend time with his horses. All paperwork was put in a chest and sent over to Catherine’s father and there’s a great chance that the deed was in that chest. Yes- her father is Jasper Holbrook and the child that was born is Justin Moorland. Jasper blames Thomas for Catherine’s death and they haven’t spoken in twenty years. It’s a tragedy that this feud has been going on for so long, but if anyone has the deed it would be Old Man Jasper. It won’t be easy convincing him to part with it, though. You’ll find Old Man Jasper guarding his land at the north-eastern fields. Good luck, dear!”

Jasper Holbrook is known as Old Man Jasper. Turn with your back facing Mrs. Holdsworth, turn right a tad, go forwards, turn right all the way, and keep going. There is a road that leads to him and the land he’s guarding. Go to him.

“Well you found me! And now you can leave me again!”

He’s not that nice when you first get to know him, but once you do, he’s a great person. Trust me. Talk to him again.

“Bah! What do I care if Moorland Stables is razed to the ground. That wretched place was the end of my daughter, and I curse the day my sweet Catherine and that snake Thomas met. I have hated the Moorlands for the better part of the last twenty years but if you think you can change that you’re welcome to drop by again. Now be off my land!”

Yeah…that’s Jasper. Go back and talk to Justin.

“Hey (insert character name)! Have you been to see my grandfather? That crazy old man hates us and nothing would please him more than to see our stable razed to the ground.”

If you want to do this next quest you have to wait a day or stay the night at the stable.


You have to go to a stable manager to be able to stay the night. In Moorland you can talk to Jenna.

At Steve’s farm you can talk to Steve.

At the Silverglade Manor you can talk to Judy. She has black hair that’s in a ponytail and wears a blue coat. She’s always standing by the stable.

If you’re at the Golden Hills Valley stable (Golden Leaf Stables) you can talk to Carin. She has blond hair and wears a red coat, and she has a ponytail in her hair. (Note: You have to be level 13, almost level 14 to be able to unlock Golden Hills Valley.)

In Firgrove Village you can talk to Felicity. She too is blond, but she wears a green coat. And her hair is in a ponytail.

At the Valedale Village you can talk to Claire. She’s blond (again) but wears a greenish/yellowish coat. Her hair is in a ponytail.

In part 2 of “What is Star Stable Online?” I failed to mention the Harvest Counties! That’s the one that I forgot! So if you’re at the Jorvik Stables, you can talk to Johanna, and she has brown hair that’s in a braid (what a difference!) and wears kind of a periwinkle button-up shirt.

In Fort Pinta you talk to James. James is short and wears a white baseball cap that says ‘Soda’ on the front. He also wears a brownish shirt with white sleeves that matches his baseball cap. His hair is blond and he wears glasses.

That’s all I’m going to write for now. I hope this was enjoyable and next time I write I’ll continue more on the quests and hopefully I’ll find another thing to write about on the side! I’ll write as much as I can as soon as I can.

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

So that was my wonderful long lost actual part 5 of “What is Star Stable Online?”! I hope you enjoyed it. I’m not sure that this wonky brain of mine can take anymore searching (yes, I did a LOT of searching for this part and not just for the real part 5 of “What is Star Stable Online?”) and I hope that you enjoyed, and I also wanted to say that I think that this is a great example of why you should never give up. I hope you have a wonderful day, and be safe!

Forever and always,

Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 4 LEVEL UP?

What is Star Stable Online? Part 4 LEVEL UP?

Hello wonderful people whom I love writing for! Today I will write some more “What is Star Stable?”. It honestly has taken longer than expected, but I hope by the end of this you’ll know a lot about Star Stable!


Once you’re done with that quest, you can talk to her once more.

“Well (insert character name), I think you need something a bit more challenging to do, the Cavaletti was no match for you. Outside the west stable gate is the Bobcat Girls riding club’s paddock. Go there and talk to Loretta, she’s one of their best riders and always friendly and helpful to newcomers. Ask her if she can show you how real competitions work around here and maybe she will even let you join the Bobcat Girls. They’re a great riding club.”

Once you’re done reading, you start a new quest called “Meeting the Bobcats”. When I first started the game I had no idea where to find Loretta, so if you can’t find her, she’s kind of right in front of you just outside of the gates. If you face east (I’m pretty sure that was the way you should be facing, but I haven’t checked in a while, so don’t quote me on that) and go outside the gates of the stable Loretta will be on a white horse with braids in its hair. She’s sitting on her horse near a girl named Tan. Talk to Loretta. (Also, after you finish talking to Jenna you get the ability to gallop, and you can go faster by pressing W or the up arrow key. Or you can scroll on your middle mouse button.)

“What? Yes, I’m Loretta, and who are you? Not that I care… (insert character name)? That’s your name? Really. Well, it sounds very… very pretty and intelligent. Oh my… (insert character name). I bet your horse’s name is just as lame. I bet it’s like Puffyheart or something. (Insert horse’s name)? Ha! I’m psychic!

So what are you doing here, anyway? Jenna told you I was going to teach you how to compete? Great. You know what, actually I’m kind of bored right now, so why not. You and Puffyheart should try racing some in the paddock. Who knows, maybe it’ll make me smile. At your fantaaaaastically faaaaast speed. I can already tell that you’ll never make it into the club.”

Yeah, that’s Loretta. She’s not that nice..at all. Click on her again.

“You’re still here? I thought I told you that you could try out our paddock already. What is it that you don’t understand? Come on already! Get to the starting line!”

You begin a small race after you’re done reading. You go through obstacles that form a squiggly line and goes through the whole paddock. Words of advice: slow down on some of the curves. If you don’t it’ll cost you the race.

“Ok, that wasn’t too bad for a beginner. I’ll admit that I wasn’t super good at controlling my horse the first time I came here, either. All that will change when you get more experienced and acquire better equipment. You’ll never be a Bobcat Girl however, that’s for sure.”

Walk over to Tan and talk to her. Oh yeah, and did I mention Loretta was mean? She is.

“Hi, I’m Tan. Loretta showed you how to race in the paddock, but now I’ll show you how the Bobcat Girls like to ride for real. This might be tough for a newcomer like you but take it slow if you have to, you’re not a pro rider like us. I don’t think you’ll ever be able to beat our high scores, you don’t look like you have what it takes, but you’re welcome to try. Watch out for the G.E.D. construction site, horses are scared of construction machines so don’t get too close.”

Tan’s in between. She’s not the nicest, but she’s a lot nicer than Loretta, that’s for sure. This quest starts another race. Just follow the floating green arrows and you’re good to go. If you need to, slow down on some of the tighter turns. Like Loretta said, it’s hard to control your horse at the beginning, but as you get more and more experienced, leveled up, and get better clothes and horse gear, you’ll be able to turn the tightest turns with barely even slowing down.


What you level up is a hard question to answer. I guess. Why do you level up? So that you can become faster and more experienced, of course! What do you level up to? The highest level right now is level 17. The more you level up the harder it gets to level up though, of course. So you don’t just do like 10 quests and you’re level 15. No. It takes a lot of time to level up. The featured image is kind of blurry and pixel-y but that’s it. Level 17. It’s a wonderful level to be on.


Once you’ve finished the race go talk to Tan.

“Hmm… Ok. That wasn’t amazing but you did well. You are still far from our real high scores, but that’s only natural. You see, if that felt difficult or slow or whatever, just wait until you and (insert horse’s name) have spent some more time on the riding tracks around here- (insert horse’s name) will get much faster. It will feel like another horse! Not to get your hopes up- the Bobcat Girls can’t be beaten. If you want to try anyway, you can, but only once a day. We don’t want newcomers like you messing up our track for nothing!”

When she said, “just wait until you and (your horse) have spent some more time on the riding tracks around here – (your horse) will get much faster.” she meant it will level your horse up, and that will make it faster. If you want you can redo the track and get some more XP for your horse so that it can level up, or you can carry on doing quests. If you decide to do the race, Tan always says, “So you’re back and want to try again? Let’s go then!”. I usually just spam click all the way through it though, because it gets boring. You can talk to Tan once you’re done with the race to get the XP, and she says, “Well done (insert character name)!”.

I’ll do one more quest and then I’ll retire for a day, if I can. Go over to Loretta, if you want. She has a quest for you.

“Hey (insert character name), Justin is looking for you. He probably needs some newcomer to muck out the stables. You’ll find him in the courtyard behind the stable. Don’t let him wait!

Just a minute! One more thing: keep away from Justin. He’s mine and nobody will ever come between us. Not that there’s any chance that he would ever be interested in…somebody like you.”

Before you ask, no, it’s not you that gets in between them. I’m not big on spoiling, but later in the game he goes on a boat and becomes evil. It’s a short summary of a ton of quests, heh. And this part of the quest bothers me because everything Loretta says to you doesn’t work at all, and it’s so bothersome. She says to not keep him waiting, but then she pretty much says, “wait a minute!” and it’s so lame, and you already know where Justin is, so duh. Plus, we all know how she would react if you were to steal her boyfriend, right? Ha ha. This is why I’m not one of Loretta’s fans. She can be quite interesting at times, though. Go over to Justin for the end of the quest.

“(Insert character name)! There you are. I was looking for you.”

Before I go, I want to ask a question. If you have ever played the game, what’s your favorite in game character, and why? Mine is either Jenna or Conrad. For those who don’t know, Conrad Marsdeen is a blacksmith who works in the Moorland Smithy, otherwise known as the Moorland Forge. He’s a really cool old man. He also likes playing jokes on people. And with that, my friends, I will now retire and not actually retire, but I will give my wrists a rest. Thank you ever so much for reading, and I hope this wasn’t too boring. I will write as much as I can as soon as I can!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 3 WHAT IS A STAR RIDER?

What is Star Stable Online? Part 3 WHAT IS A STAR RIDER?

Hello lovely people! In this post I am going to hopefully cover a few more starting quests, and tell you some more about what goes on in the Star Stable world, and on the website!

I’m going to continue on the quests. When I left off you had just started your first quest. Now let’s see what happens once you finish it. You had just talked to Justin Moorland, the co-owner of the Moorland Stable. You are to get onto your horse, (insert horse’s name) and talk to May, who is standing right by the stable. Before I begin with this, I will tell you how to move your horse.


You can mount your horse by walking (or running) up to it and clicking on the saddle. There should be a saddle icon that’s opaque, but if it’s not opaque, you can’t get onto your horse yet. Click on the horse’s saddle, or where it would be, and you should mount your horse. To dismount your horse you have to click a “get down” button (dismount button) that sits right next to your mini horseshoe map. In between your horseshoe map and your dismount button is an icon that changes when you are on your horse. It changes depending on how fast your horse is moving. If it’s walking, it has a walking icon. If it’s trotting, it has a trotting icon, etc.. You can move your horse with the WAS and D keys, the arrow keys, or the middle mouse key (the scroll thing). You can also drag your mouse around the screen while holding the left mouse button and that will move your horse as well.


So now that you’ve learned how to move your horse, you can now go to the stable and talk to May. She says,

“Hi, I’m May, nice to meet you (insert character name). You know, I came here for the first time five years ago and have visited Moorland Stables every summer since then. It’s the best place to spend your vacation! Right now I’m doing some work here in the stable to earn some extra Jorvik Shillings to spend. Come back later and I’ll have some work for you to do if you want.

Oh, another thing. You can always return to the stable if you get lost. Just make a Pick Up Call and someone will come and get you wherever you are and return here in the blink of an eye!”

You have to talk to her again.

“Well, I don’t think there’s anything more for you to see here right now. You should go and speak to Jenna, the stable girl over there, to learn more about how things work here at Moorland Stables. Just turn south and you will see her.”

Well, as she said, you turn south to see her. If you can’t figure out which way is south, you can always look at your mini horseshoe map. Around the middle of it there is pretty much a compass. It’s kind of what it is. There’s north, east, south, and west. If you’re facing May, you should be facing west. Turn left a little bit (press the A key, left arrow key, or press your left mouse key and drag it to the left of your screen) and you should see her. She wears a pink jacket, has blond hair, is wearing blue jeans and green boots. It shouldn’t be hard to spot her. I see a lot of people asking where Jenna is, that’s why I think it’s important to add this in.

Once you’ve found Jenna, speak to her.

“Hi (insert character name), there you are! I’ve been waiting for you.”

Click on her again.

“Well, well, I can tell that you and (insert horse’s name) make a good team. It seems like you have known each other for all your lives. You’re going to accomplish amazing things, mark my word!

Normally it’s Mr. Moorland who introduces new visitors to the stables but he’s a very busy man at the moment so I’m filling in. I don’t know if you’ve hard but there’s this awful company called G.E.D. that really wants to tear this place down and build houses on the grounds. Don’t disturb Mr. Moorland unless you have to, he’s working really hard to find a way to stop that slimy Mr. Kembell.

But enough about that! Even though I’m normally handling the stable duties I think I can tell you a thing or two about riding as well. Now, before I let you outside the gates you have to show me that you can ride safely. Behind me you’ll find a small track with poles laid out on the ground. This is called a Cavaletti and should be enough to prove that you know the basics of riding. Complete the track and return to me.”

So you start the track, and right now the fastest you can go is a canter. So you canter through the whole track and once you’re done, you return to Jenna, just as she said.

“That was great! Good job on completing the Cavaletti. You and (insert horse’s name) really worked as a team, keep it up. Now I think you’re ready for some more serious riding, And, as I promised, you are now allowed to gallop and go outside the Moorland Stables.”


You can run faster by pressing the W key, the up arrow, or scroll on your middle mouse key multiple times to go faster. You can back your horse up by pressing the S key, the down arrow, or by scrolling down on your middle mouse key (if you have one). If you need to stop immediately, you can press the X key on your keyboard. If you decide to become a Star Rider (a VIP member) you can finish a special quest that allows you to jump. You can jump with the space bar or you can press the 0 key on your keyboard or number pad (if you have one).


A Star Rider is a paid VIP member (widely known as a member on most games). You can buy a Star Rider membership by going to: https://www.starstable.com/en/membership or you can type http://www.starstable.com in your browser and go to Star Rider on the top of the page. There are five types of Star Riders.

The first one is for one month. It costs 7.49 USD (United States Dollars), and you receive 100 Star Coins when you log into the game.

The second type is for three months. It costs 19.50 USD. You get 300 Star Coins when you enter the game.

Next is the 6 month subscription. It costs 31.99 USD and gives you 600 Star Coins when you log onto the game.

The best one by far is the lifetime subscription. It never ends and when you buy it it gives you 1200 Star Coins (that’s a LOT of Star Coins) and costs 69.95 USD. It may seem like a lot of money, but it’s 100% worth it.

When you buy a subscription you receive a 100 Star Coin allowance every Saturday. You’re probably wondering what could be better than the lifetime subscription is, and why that would make me put it after it. I guess it might not be better than the lifetime subscription, but it’s pretty good.

Sometimes (meaning about every 6 months) the Star Stable Team puts up a 2 day FREE Star Rider. It means that for two days anyone can be a Star Rider! Even the non- Star Rider players. There is almost always (and I say almost always because they have once put it up when you didn’t have to) a code (redeem code) for you to put in so that you can become one. Whenever it says ‘CODE REDEEMED’ my life just becomes amazing. I hope yours does too. You can do everything a Star Rider does, because you are one! You can quest, jump, if you’ve been a Star Rider already, and more!


Star Coins are a special kind of currency in the game. You can buy them off of the website in packs at: https://www.starstable.com/en/myaccount_coins, but you have to be logged in to be able to buy them. The packs include: 100 Star Coins, which costs 4.60 USD, 200 Star Coins, which costs 8.49 USD, and 500 Star Coins, which costs 13.99 USD. They are also earned every Saturday as a weekly allowance if you are a subscribed Star Rider. Jorvik Shillings can be earned by completing quests, doing chores, races, etc. you can buy things with both Star Coins and Jorvik Shillings. You can move home stables by clicking the home stable location that you want it to be. It costs 25 Star Coins.


On the Star Stable website http://www.starstable.com you can click “News” at the top of the page. Every Wednesday there is an update to the game. You can find the update details on the page: http://www.starstable.com/en/news. Every few weeks there is something called “Double Star Coins Weekend” which for a couple of days means that if you buy Star Coins or a Star Rider, the Star Coins that you would get would be doubled. Sometimes they make it so that it’s a “extra-long Double Star Coins Weekend” and it takes place for 5 days. They always begin on Fridays and normal Double Star Coins Weekends last until Sunday. Extra-long Double Star Coins Weekends last until the next Wednesday.


That was long, but it needed to be. At the bottom of every page on the Star Stable website you can click the “Contact Us” button and it sends you to a contact page. You put your Star Stable username on the top, you choose your subject thing, and then under that is a little bar that you type what the actual subject is. Once you’ve typed what the subject is, you go down to the bottom and type what your entire question, issue, idea, etc. is.

That’s all I can write for now without going insane, haha! I hope you enjoyed reading, and that you were helped! I will write as much as I can as soon as I can!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

What is Star Stable Online? Part 2 THE LEGEND OR JORVIK.

What is Star Stable Online? Part 2 THE LEGEND OR JORVIK.

Hello there again lovely Star Stable fans and majestic people who are wondering about what Star Stable Online is! Today I’m going to add onto what I wrote in part 1 of “What is Star Stable Online?” but before I start, I’m just going to say that I’m so glad you’re reading this. This blog brings me so much joy, and writing it brings me even more, so the fact that you’re reading it makes me so happy, and I wanted to say thank you. Now, for some more of “What is Star Stable Online?”! When I left off, I had just finished telling you about the process of making your character and horse! So I’m going to start off with telling you what happens when you really start the game.


“A legend says that the island of Jorvik was a desolate rock in the dark, cold sea until a star fell from the sky.

A faint glow rose from the crater, and from it rode a girl on a horse. She rode gracefully over the water’s surface which calmed down. In her right hand she carried a light.

The girl on her horse reached the desolate island and put the light down in the center of it. Immediately, life started spreading everywhere and the once cold and dark place transformed into an island of warmth and light.

The island of Jorvik has always nurtured a close bond to it’s horses and some say that they are the very soul of the land.

You’ve come to Jorvik to spend the summer at Moorland Stable, where you’ll be working and taking care of a horse of your own. After the summer is over, you may be accepted to the Jorvik Hippological Institute, which means staying on the island and starting a life there; a life filled with horses and adventure.

The legend of Jorvik says that in times of such despair and darkness a girl will once again appear on horseback to bring light and hope to what seems to be lost.

Are you that girl?”

So the beginning is pretty deep in my opinion, and it’s nice. Once you finish reading the forward, you can click “Play” and that begins that game. When you get into the game, you appear standing in the middle of the stable area. You are not on your horse, and around 40 feet in front of you is a man named Justin. Before I start on the beginning quests, I’ll tell you how to move.


You can move with the WAS and D keys, or you can move with the arrow keys. Go forward with W or the up arrow, right with D, or the right arrow key, left with A, or the left arrow key, and backwards with S, or the backwards arrow key. There isn’t really such a thing as walking backwards in Star Stable, so your character just turns around instead of walking backwards, because you can’t see behind you unless you turn the camera. You can turn the camera by pressing the right mouse button, and then pan the camera around.


When you start playing, you walk over to a man named Justin, who is standing an estimated 35-40 feet away from you. He has a quest for you, which is your first quest. It says,

“Hi, you must be (insert character name). I’m Justin, pleased to meet you and welcome to Moorland Stables! Me and my father, Thomas run these stables. Aren’t they fantastic?

Right now things are a bit hectic, a nasty boss from the big corporation G.E.D, Mr Kembell, is doing everything he can to evict us and tear down the stable to be able to build condos here. We’re still trying to figure out what we can do to stop him, but he’s more slippery than an eel.

But forget that, you’re new here and I’m not trying to spoil your summer!

Over there is (insert horse name) who will be your horse this summer. Why don’t you go for a short ride and get to know each other?

Go talk with May outside the stable in the other courtyard when you are finished. I think she knows where Jenna, the stable girl is.”

Once he’s finished talking, a little window pops up in the game that’s blue and says at the top, “Do you accept this quest?” a little lower than that it says, “A new friend” which is the quest name. That is always where the quest name is. Then it states your objectives and it reads, “Objectives” under that it says, “Bring your horse to the stable.” under that it says, “Rewards” and right under that it says, “Jorvik Shillings” and it has a picture of the Jorvik Shillings and how much you will receive. In this quest you will receive 10 Jorvik Shillings and 50 XP (Experience Points). Right under that it says, “Reputation” under that it reads, “15 with: Moorland Stable” and then it has a “No” and a “Yes” button, which goes with the “Do you accept this quest?” line. If you want to accept the quest, you click “Yes” and yes, I am done writing “under that it says,” for now.  You start at level 1. The quests give you XP, and the XP bar is at the bottom of your screen and it expands under the entire bottom of it. Right above the XP bar is a small button that’s on the bottom left of your screen, that lets you chat. (In order to be able to chat, you have to have confirmed your account in your email. It always sends one, and if you don’t think you got one, you can always go to the Star Stable website at: http://www.starstable.com, log in, and on the top right of your screen it will show the email that you used to make your account and if your account has been verified. If it has not been verified, you can click the “verify” button.)


On the bottom right of your screen, there’s a small horseshoe shaped map that tells you where to go for your quests. It helps you up until you’ve gotten to level 10, almost level 11.

There are three different kinds of quests. There’s the quest that’s daily, which is blue, and means that you can only preform the quest once a day, and it doesn’t give your character any XP, the yellow quest (dot) that means that it’s a quest that can help you level up your character, and they are usually some kind of short story quests, and green quests (dots) which means that you have fulfilled the conditions for the quest. There are also orange blobs that show you where to look for your objective of the quest.

On the horseshoe map, there is a star on the bottom left that shows the high scores of the day for daily races.

Above that is a little character symbol that has another character symbol behind it. That button is the friends button. You can friend someone by clicking on their character or horse and then their name which pops up right next to your character’s name which is on the top left corner of your screen. You can then look through a couple of things, and befriending someone is one of them.

Right above the friend button is the inventory button. If you click on the inventory button, it opens your inventory which pops up in the middle of the right side of the screen. Don’t worry, it’s not so big that it takes up your whole screen.

Next to the inventory button is your character sheet. Your character sheet is a window that tells you the statistics (stats) of your clothing, etc. and it also has your horse’s statistics. Your horses statistics come from the horse itself, and it’s clothing. If you mouse over your clothes, it shows your clothes’ statistics. The same goes for your horse’s gear. There is one window for your character, and one for your horse. If you press shift while mousing over another item of clothing or gear, it can compare the two and you can see which one has better statistics. There is a tab over the window that shows your character’s statistics that says “Reputation” and it shows all of the villages and your reputations with them! The more quests and daily quests, chores, races, etc. that you do in that village, the more reputation you get with them!

Under the character sheet, there is a quest log button. The quest log button is what shows you what quests you are currently working on, and if you are in the middle of a quest and log off, you will have to restart the quests that you were working on. You can click on several different tabs that can show you your ongoing quests, available, quests, daily quests, chores, races, etc.

Under the quest log there is a help button. The help button can help you with almost everything that you could need help with. It also explains things, which is very helpful.

Under the help button, there is a menu button, which is a cell phone. You can call for a pickup, which takes you back to your home stable, the stable that you can keep all of your horses in, you can quit the game, look at the credits, etc.


There are tons of places that you can have your home stable at. Here’s a list:

  • Moorland Stable
  • Steve’s Farm
  • Silverglade Manor
  • Golden Hills Valley
  • Firgrove Village (Firgrove)
  • Valedale Village (Valedale)
  • Fort Pinta

That’s all of the villages that I can think of right now, sadly. I can’t remember if that’s all of them. Coming up soon though there will be a new village (Fort) called Fort Maria. I hope you’re excited! You can find a small teaser for the new place at the end of the last Star Stable Birthday video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGLWg_RPfdo on their channel, if you want to check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPo4aWm6slfBmhMvmKaf-xQ or you can go on http://www.youtube.com and search their channel, Star Stable. It should be the first thing to pop up! I hope that these links work out well! And with that, that’s all I can write for now! I’ll try my best to write as soon as I can! My next post on “What is Star Stable Online?” I’ll continue telling you about the beginning quests and the wonderful wonders of Star Stable Online!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥