Leveling up and all around good things to know

Leveling up and all around good things to know

Hey guys! As you might know, last part we finished all of the starting quests, and now I’m kind of at a loss of what to do. Yes, I do have ideas, but I’m not quite sure how to add them. For now though, I’m going to tell you about leveling up, what happens when you do, and what you can do once you have!


I’m pretty sure I’ve written this before, but two times is better than none, right? I guess that doesn’t make sense though…

You can level up by doing quests. When you quest you get something called Experience Points, or XP as it is widely known. You can also level up your horse so that it can be faster. The higher the level you are the faster your horse is even when its level one!


Your horse gets faster by leveling it up. You can level it up by doing daily races. Those are the races that are blue on your map. If a person such as Josh, Tan, or Loretta had a blue exclamation mark over their head that means that they have a daily race for you to do.

There’s a slight twist when it comes to people such as James though. James is the manager of the stable in Fort Pinta as well as one of the daily race carriers (there is Polly from Pony Point as well) and that means that he can ask you if you want to stay the night at the stable so that you can do the quests that have the clocks sooner than the next day. I wrote a bit about it in part 5 of “What is Star Stable Online?”, you can check it out there → https://starstablehelpblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/what-is-star-stable-online-part-5-finding-the-real-long-lost-part-5/ wow. That’s a long URL.

You can also buy good gear and clothes. I’m not good at estimating how good gear is, but if the stats are high (e.g. riding 8, jumping 5, command 8, etc. I think those are good at least, don’t quote me on that) then you’ll do just fine.

Okay, so I just took a little break, and I have nothing to write right now. Although I am writing a little story…

Will it be up soon? Who knows? How long will it be? Will I add it all in one fell swoop? In parts? Who knows? It’s a spooky ghost!

No…? I tried. I guess it’s not Halloween anymore. Speaking of Halloween, happy late – Halloween!

Now I’m going to start on that story…

I’ll write other things as soon as I can, and as much of it as I can!

Forever and always,

-Penny ♥

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